I recently discovered a few things that helped me relax and feel better. First was the accidental art jamming. This session was done when the workplace organized one art jamming session. It was the only one that had slots left.
So, I was never an artsy kind in terms of drawing or painting. This art jamming didn’t require any drawing on my part. I could literally copy someone’s art via the internet and sign it off. So, we were given a canvas and a variety of acrylic paints. We were also given aprons. I needed to wear one because at the end of the session, my apron was covered with paints.
I did a search for the kind of painting that I wanted without me needing to draw much. I can’t draw for nuts but I can copy. I did an awesome job of copying that horse back in school when we were given a chance to do the art at home. Usually, we had to finish the drawing in school and I never had the chance for my artwork to be placed on the noticeboard in the art room. I felt so proud that day.
So, back to this art jamming session, I managed to find a painting done on canvas. I finally decided that doing a night forest was easier because I didn’t need to draw. That was the key point. At the end of the session, I found myself enjoying it. I might want to do it again if it doesn’t cost so much in Singapore.
The other recent session that I did was doing a terrarium at A Tilly A Day. I found myself enjoying the whole session. So, I went on to do larger terrariums at A Tilly A Day until I realise that it can be expensive therapeutic sessions. Considering that it is in Singapore that we are doing it. So far, I have found Hortus Culture to be affordable since the figurines are given free and as many as I like.
Now, to ensure that there is a fair review, I must state that A Tilly A Day is located in a shopping mall. Hence, I believe the prices there reflect on the rental and profits since the owner is doing a business. The plants there are more for appealing to those who prefer having moss and fittonias. I was really in for the moss when I first did it. I have the smallest version in the form of plastic egg and the slightly larger version in the form of a mini fish tank, think Lego tanks.
I bought a slanted open mouth bowl when I saw it at Fittonia Mania, Nex, at a reasonable price. That is my largest terrarium so far. So, I did it at A Tilly A Day. I excluded the figurines because I have tiny toys at home, too many, don’t ask.
As for Hortus Culture, it is located in the industrial area, and the owner is more of a hobbyist than for business. Although, there are terrarium workshops being conducted by the owner. So, I went there the first time and found the palm tree of my dreams. I like tiny palm trees for some reason and had to buy that palm tree. I did a terrarium the second time I went and included palm trees, obviously, because the place sells the tiny palm trees at a more affordable rate.
Hortus Culture has more cactus and palm trees than succulents. So, if you are into those plants, then, it is good to source for your favourite plant there. As for terrariums, you would be better off sourcing for the materials and getting the other plants by yourself and doing it at home.
Before starting a terrarium, I would suggest looking through the millions of samples online and saving a few images in your phone and go on from there. A terrarium will have a focus point. I had too many focus points, so, I feel that my first terrarium done in the large bowl is rather messy. I bought the resin koi pond from A Tilly A Day because it is the only place to sell it, I understand that the owner made it herself, hence, the price. I wanted to do it myself but I cannot find the koi anywhere. Apparently, I might have to make the koi myself. Probably cost more for the materials than just buying it from the only place that sells ready made koi pond.
I might make another terrarium, probably a zen garden style since I’m into this style at the moment. Probably going to use that biscuit tin that is empty and no real plants this time. I really enjoy the art jamming and making terrariums in addition to reading.