Getting Covid after the booster shots was terrible. In my case, I managed to have all the symptoms. I had body aches, flu, cough, sore throat and fever. Hence, I was sleeping the whole day for the 1st two days.
Despite reporting to work that I was Covid positive, the top management called me to ask something. I had to sound terrible before she hung up. Every time I had to take more than 1 day of leave, I was to be disturbed. What? I was lying about my medical condition? You had to call to check that I did sound medically sick?
I was starting to feel less achy on day 3, so, it was much easier to move about in the room. Thus, I started cleaning up and removing the bedsheets to be washed. It did tire me out just by removing them. Breathlessness is not a joke.
I am so glad that I had the vaccine however, I wonder when we will need another round of booster shots.