The Cry Out Against Anything Just for Crying Out

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The Fun Pack is now given to every household. Each household will just receive one. In the past, it used to be those who attended the NDP and the NE Show would have one.

This year, it’s different because the parades are no longer being rehearsed on a large scale. Usually, in the month of July, the P5 students would attend the NE shows. This time, due to the Covid 19, the celebrations have been scaled down.

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I don’t have a huge issue with how the celebrations are being made. However, some people will have complaints about how this is not made optional. Seriously, people. Chill. If you don’t want the fun pack, just give it to some one who wants, isn’t that easy? Except, Covid 19. The fear of the virus being left on the fun pack before passing it to another household.
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Did you complain about the wastage just for the sake of complaining or are you genuinely concern about the wastage? What makes you think that the sponsored fun packs which the government did not need to fork out a single cent would be able to just cancel this whole thing?

Yes, plastic is non-biodegradable and the sponsors should have thought of them. So, tell me, what sort of material is actually waterproof just so that the fun packs will arrive un-molested by the elements that will ravage them in the mailing process?

Why not make the RC and CC be the collection point since you are so adamant about wastage? Those who don’t want to collect will not need to go and collect. This is how the masks are being collected. The leftover fun packs can then be redistributed for needy families because they contain the items for the fight against Covid 19.

Then, there is also this group of people who keep calling out to continue the closure of the schools and testing of the staff before school reopens. Wow. Just wow. You really think that when the schools are closed, there are no personnel working in the schools? So, how did you expect the new students who are transiting from P6 to Sec 1 in January then? Magic or Thanos snap?

Why would you think that there is nobody in the school during the school holidays? Then, how do the paperwork for transferring the students during the term breaks work then?

Did you really think that the people who are conducting the tests on the swabs just work their magic on the swabs without any input? I have no idea how the lab techs work but they do need the time. They are humans. They are not robots who can test the swabs without breaks.

The keyboard warriors can STFU about all these complaints. Do you work in the labs? Do you work in the schools? Do you work in the NDP committee? Do you know the workflow of all the complaints that you have been uploading online?

If you don’t know how the work flow is like, STFU.

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