Delayed Reaction

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So, I’ve been trying to figure out why my posts are not being posted to my Facebook Page. I just realised belatedly that the Facebook app is no longer allowing third party connections unless it has been approved after 12 – 18 weeks. This is when I’m using NextScripts which was working fine after I spent days on troubleshooting it. Now, I have to choose another easier method on auto posting my posts from WordPress to Facebook without me doing the manual labour.

It’s just so easy to schedule the posts than me trying to the stuff at the stipulated time. I simply don’t have time for this. Hence, I’m trying out a new plugin that hopefully does the work. I’m also looking at the options for using another laptop at work. Not that the work laptop is not up to par. It’s just that I want to install a number of software and the work laptop has limitations to prevent leaks and all.

Hope Fashion

So, I’m going to look at my favourite brands, Lenovo and Asus. So far, Lenovo is winning on price factor because they have a sale. I must see if I have some bonus in from my affiliates and other sources.
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